

Why Join the Glen Farms & Tara Civic Association

Lake George serves as a water retention reservoir to prevent pollutants from entering the Christina River. We are required to have a reserve to maintain the lake in accordance with certain environmental regulations, and to prevent the embankment from washing out. Paying dues supports that reserve and the maintenance of Lake George and the Tennis Court.


Once upon a time, the common area mowing, and upkeep was done by community volunteers. As people have gotten busier in their loves, fewer volunteers have been able to consistently support the maintenance, so we have had to move to a payment model. The cost of having this done every year is approximately 120 households’ worth of dues.


During the spring of 2023, the eastern access path to Lake George was completely repaired and rebuilt. This path was closed for about two years due to wash-out and the danger associated with it. Thanks to significant volunteer turnout, we were able to keep costs significantly low, requiring materials and an industrial woodchipper rental. The cost of improving the path, so we can all enjoy the amenities that come with living here, was approximately 40 households’ worth of dues.


We maintain a small annual budget for small community projects, like signs to remind residents to pay their dues, the welcome committee that engages new residents to share the features of our community and let them know how to pay their dues. We have liability insurance in the event someone is seriously injured on our common areas. The annual community yard sale, which supports the entire community in helping reduce waste, increase the reuse of belongings, and financially benefit those households that participate, is supported by dues for signage, flyers, and outreach. Combined, these expenses cost the equivalent of about 60 households’ worth of dues. We would like to have more activities like the Fishing Derby, Ice Cream Social, and fund improvements for the community, but those are in danger at the moment.


What do your dues not pay for? The Friday Nights by the Lake cost nothing to the civic association and are reliant on volunteer activity and support. The Easter Eggs you find and the holiday Santa ride are not supported by dues; these are both funded and supported entirely by volunteers and donations by private members of the community. Decorations around the holidays, particularly the lighted signs around Christmas, are entirely donated and supported by private members of the community.

You can join and pay dues by downloading, printing ans submitting the paper form on the left or by using the electronic form on the right (use your credit card to pay via PayPal)

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    Membership Dues for the fiscal year beginning February 1, 2024 are now due. Dues are only $40 per household. Your dues enable us to provide the activities listed below as well meet our obligation to maintain and preserve Lake George. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact any board member. The contact information for each board member is listed on the GFTCA website and in the newsletters.

    Please complete and submit this form to ensure we keep membership current

    The Civic Association publishes a Community Directory every couple of years. If you do not wish to have your phone and/or email published, please indicate below:

    I am interested in the following GFCA activities/committees (Please check all that apply):

    Annual Dues are $40 but additional donations to support our programs are welcomed. When you press send below you will be redirected to PayPal where you will enter the amount you wish to pay. Payment may be by credit card or via your PayPal account if you have one.

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